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Recent Movie Reviews

17 Movie Reviews

This video has launched a new American birthday tradition. For the past 10 years my friends and I have been regifting each other the same copy of Welcome to Mooseport.

We also watch it at least once a year.

It deserves a million views an 5 stars.

Been done

Random stick figure 5 second clip montage humor is good, and this was a fine instance of it, but it has been done a million times and does not deserve to be the #1 on Newgrounds.

Community, stop failing!

That said, it was well done; definitely should be sitting at a fat and happy 3.8 to 4.00 out of 5.00

The Best Day Ever

This video was just about perfect, the best animation ever.

The ending twist is the best part, but it should have been longer!

Recent Game Reviews

4 Game Reviews

Not bad, but too easy

I could literally hold the space bar and just through dogs and stay at above 60% health the whole time! I would suggest separating the items that give you points from the items that give you health.

Also: Add new types of dogs, add other kinds of carrots, maybe add the ability to jump (for energy of course). I liked combining energy with health.

wonderful game

I think this game was just about perfect. Despite what other people think, i believe that there is a level of greatness in this game similar to jezzball or minesweeper. The point of the game isnt to wow in graphics or features, it is just to be a clever, addictive, and challanging. The lack of power bar and the difficult way of selecting ball direction is what makes the game good. If i could easily choose exactly how hard i wanted the ball to go the game would be extremely simple and i would blow through it. At the moment there is some level of thinking ahead. Needing to take into account the fact that the ball will continue to bounce for a while forces the player to plan where he wants the ball(s) to bounce, which gets increasingly difficult the farther you get.

Awesome game, i'm actually very impressed that you managed to put something this fun together:)

I agree

This was ok for your first flash, there wasn't anything particularly stunning about it (but then again, that's often the way it goes with dress up games). I think the drawing was fine, it had its own style to it. If you plan on making more dress ups have a few suggestions on how to keep the attention of the people viewing it:

1) Make it more of a real game, add secrets of some sort, easter eggs.
2) Nudity will always get some people's attention. I know plenty of guys who get turned on by yeti's though... and if you put those bongos on his chest? *drool*
3) Sounds. Music in the background, maybe some interactivity with the items (some of the items make noises when activated? i dont know)
4) More complex interactivity. If you want to be REALLY cool you could go so far as to make it so they will move around differently depending on what else he is wearing. Maybe have it so you dress him up, then click a button so he does a little animation depending on what he is wearing
Well i'm all out of time. Keep on practicing!

Fauntleroy responds:

Thank you! I enjoy suggestions such as these!

Recent Audio Reviews

1 Audio Review


I haven't left an audio review yet, but i downloaded this song about a month ago and it is now my favorite song in this genre by far, maybe even my favorite of all time.

Since i haven't had the the chance to delve TOO far into the audio portal i'm afraid that I wont really be able to give any good advice. I dont know what it is about this song that is so great, but it is. I only wish that it was longer!

Maybe you could make some others in this style? I like your other stuff, but this is truly exceptional

-Dan Schultz

Psybot responds:

Thank you for your kind words.

i would have done it longer if it wasnt supposed to be in the BotAP

i like to make my songs with a nice melody that easy gets stuck in your head =P

i think and hope that its the melody that makes this one a bit special from the others.

Thx for your review :D

//psybotronicle Waste\\

Nothing interesting to say... i guess i'll come back here to write something when i get a life



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